Accountability for Results: A CEO’s Ultimate Challenge

Accountability for Results: A CEO’s Ultimate Challenge

First, the CEO and his management team must develop and commit to a clear vision and translate that vision into a coordinated strategic plan. Without this foundation everyday pressures will overwhelm the process, producing an ever-changing environment that causes indecision and delays. Second, the management team must make certain that everyone within the company knows that it is committed to the initiative. When teams work under public scrutiny, they develop a strong desire to succeed and to share the achievement. Teams that only commit to doing well are subtly preparing for eventual failure. Third, the team must place the organization over individual interests. When individuals channel their efforts into making the team work better, positive results occur. Conversely, when individuals protect their turf and work at cross purposes, they doom the initiative. Fourth, team members must coordinate their high payoff activities so that they work with the same result in mind. The team must focus both individually and collectively on objectives and outcomes to generate positive performance. Using Accountability to Generate Results It is not enough to establish accountability in a company. To create results, management must create sound tactics to measure performance. Revenue and profit goals are important but beyond that management must clearly identify relevant metrics, ensure that those metrics are realistic, and specify expected completion dates. Effective CEOs understand that projects never go as intended. Therefore they hold regular progress review meetings to build accountability into their management routine. These reviews develop focus within the teams and keep the pressures of everyday work life from causing slippage. These focused review meetings take place outside of regular staff meetings. Their frequency depends on the complexity of the initiative and its progress. With regular reviews, management can make simple corrections while maintaining the original schedule.

Regular review meetings allow management to keep teams accountable and to measure progress towards the desired results. Accountability and the Leader A CEO who exhibits strong leadership is best positioned to create accountability for results and outstanding performance. A CEO plays four key leadership roles:

1.Building a culture that values company objectives above individual ambition in which everyone works toward the same objective.

2.Building a culture of trust. In this environment, tea

